Meeting agenda and/or minutes:

For previous meetings, go here.

The March Belsera HOA meeting agenda are available here.

The January Belsera HOA meeting minutes are available here.

Next Regular Belsera HOA meeting is Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

5:30pm Board of Directors Regular Membership Meeting

6:30pm Board of Directors Executive Session.

Meeting is being held as a phone conference. Check agenda at the mailboxes for conference login code.

Note: regular HOA meetings normally occur on the fourth Tuesday of each month except December, when there is usually no meeting. This schedule is subject to change.

Belsera 2023-2024 Liability Insurance Cert (REV)

Belsera 2023-2024 Property Insurance Cert (REV)

Pet Rules in the Belsera Handbook

(Click the above line to read the complete Handbook.) The Belsera Handbook, last updated in 2018 and available elsewhere on this website, includes pet rules that focus on "vicious and/or dangerous" dogs. Here is the section of the Handbook containing these rules, previously discussed, approved by your Board and circulated for 30 days prior to implementation as required:

Any dog that is vicious or dangerous and/or presents a danger to person or property, as reasonably determined by the Board, shall be muzzled or removed from the Association. The Owner of a Unit shall be responsible for any pets residing in his Unit, whether owned by the Owner, a resident, a tenant, or a guest.

For purposes of these Rules, a "vicious" or "dangerous" dog is defined as:

A. Any dog that when unprovoked inflicts, bites or attacks a person or another animal in a vicious or terrorizing manner, or approaches any person in apparent attitude of attack in the Association's Common Areas; or

B. Any dog with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury or to otherwise endanger the safety of persons or other animals; or

C. Any dog which engages in, or is found to have been trained to engage in, exhibitions of dog fighting; or

D. Any dog at large found to attack, menace, chase, display threatening or aggressive behavior or otherwise threaten or endanger the safety of any person or other animal.

Plant pallet for new installations

If you need evidence of hazard insurance...

The easiest and best way for you to obtain new evidence of insurance is to fax or email the letter requesting it to our account manager and she will quickly, easily and at no cost to you send your lender what they need.
Her contact information:

Roxann Lutz
Wateridge Insurance Services
10717 Sorrento Valley Road
San Diego, CA 92121

phone 858.224-6521
fax 858.224-6522

We also have comparison pictures of rattlesnakes and gopher snakes as well as information about what to do if bitten by a rattlesnake here.

Are you selling your unit or in need of certain documents for other reasons?

Click to obtain much of what you need. (There are costs.)

Ideas for this site? Contact us through »

Current information:

City of San Diego Neighborhood eWatch
Neighborhood eWatch is designed to automatically alert you via E-mail of recent crime activity in your selected neighborhood(s)

Trash and Recycle Bin Policy